Image of Stênio Garcia

Stênio Garcia

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Stênio Garcia. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Apr 28, 1932 In Mimoso do Sul, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Obsessed of Catulé 1965-05-21
Latest Project:
Movie Perlimps 2023-01-18
Known For
Poster of Ó Paí, Ó: Look at This
Poster of Os Maias
Poster of Hans Staden
Poster of At Play in the Fields of the Lord
Movie Perlimps John Ovenbird (voice) 2023-01-18
Movie The Asphalt Kiss Aprígio 2018-12-06
Movie Party Crashers 2 Adão 2017-01-19
Movie The Inventor of Dreams Aristides 2013-10-11
Series India: A Love Story Mário Augusto Castanho 2009-01-19
Movie Ó Paí, Ó: Look at This Seu Jerônimo 2007-03-30
Movie The House of Sand Luiz (1942) 2005-05-13
Movie Redeemer Acácio 2004-09-10
Series Os Maias Manuel Monforte 2001-01-09
Movie O Circo das Qualidades Humanas 2000-01-21
Movie Me, You, Them Zezinho 2000-08-17
Movie Hans Staden Pajé 1999-07-31
Movie The Nutty Boy 2 Vô Tonico 1998-07-10
Movie Belly Up Duão 1997-09-10
Series The King of The Cattle Zé do Araguaia 1996-06-17
Movie At Play in the Fields of the Lord Boronai 1991-12-06
Movie Kuarup Coronel Ibiratinga 1989-06-02
Movie Solidão: Uma Linda História de Amor 1989-08-17
Movie Leila Diniz Hermes 1987-11-01
Movie Everything's Alright Zeca Maluco 1978-10-23
Movie Morte e Vida Severina 1977-07-29
Movie Compasso de Espera Radar 1973-01-01
Movie A Guerra dos Pelados Nenê 1970-01-01
Movie O Pornógrafo Miguel Metralha 1970-11-22
Movie The Woman of Everyone Flávio Azteca 1969-10-24
Movie The Amorous Ones 1968-11-22
Movie O Vigilante Rodoviário: Missão Secreta 1967-02-04
Movie The Obsessed of Catulé Geraldo 1965-05-21
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